directed by David Fincher, starring Sigourney Weaver, Charles Dance, Charles S.
Dutton, Brian Glover, Paul McGann.
Ridley Scott’s
baffling prequel to the Alien universe,
Prometheus, was released to buy on DVD
and Blu-ray this week, promising that ‘Questions will be answered’. Precisely
which questions will be answered the trailer doesn’t say, but I’m assuming the
promised alternate beginning and ending will explain why not a single character
acts like a recognisable human being throughout the whole film. Perhaps there’s
a deleted scene where they all smoke space crack at the beginning, or
something. Anyway. The DVD ’s not available
to rent until December, and I’ll be damned if I’m shelling out fifteen quid
just to find out why the big pale man drank the goop and then fell to bits. When it comes out to rent
I’ll do a special post carefully and pedantically detailing just how broken the
film is. So you can look forward to that.
In the spirit of
unrealistic expectations dashed by disappointment, this week I’ll be reviewing the
oft-derided-but-not-without-considerable-merit Alien3. Alien3
was David Fincher’s debut, a director known for visual flair and dark
themes, showcased in more recent pictures such as Se7en, Fight Club and Zodiac. Of the four main Alien movies (not counting the Alien vs. Predator franchise,
which happily seems to have died quietly in the corner), Alien3 is far and away the most controversial, plagued
with studio interference, an unfinished script and most famously, an ambitious
first-time director whose experience filming was so traumatic that twenty years
later he still refuses to discuss the film in any detail. In contrast, Alien3 faced the uphill
struggle of following Alien and Aliens, both classics in their own right.
In the days before The Phantom Menace,
Alien3 was second only to The Godfather Part III as the most
disappointing follow-up to a successful and critically acclaimed franchise.
Ripley contemplates her grim situation. |
The thing is, Alien3
isn’t that actually that bad. It’s messy sure; the theatrical cut has some major plot
holes, and its bleak setting, nihilistic script, and dearth of likeable
characters are hard to swallow. Moreover, Hicks is killed off before the
opening credits have rolled, and Newt, the little girl who Ripley fought so hard to save in Aliens, bites it by drowning in
her own cryogenic fluid when the ship crashes on to Fiorna 161. Oh, and Ripley
finds out that she’s got an alien queen inside her, she’s going to die in the
most horrible way possible, and there’s nothing she can do about it. It’s fair
to say, then that Alien3
takes everyone and everything you cared about in its predecessors and throws
them into a big vat of concentrated acid in front of your eyes. But does this
make for a bad horror film? I’m not so sure it does. Moreover, despite its
reputation as somewhat of a disaster, I’ve yet to meet anyone in person who
doesn’t like it. Perhaps it’s a generational thing – I was only six when the
film hit cinemas, and so didn’t see it until much later, and thus without the
attendant hype – but many of my peers don’t just like Alien3: it’s their favourite one. I wouldn’t go that
far; for me Ridley Scott’s Alien will
always be the best, with all its psychosexual horror and slasher-movie
sensibilities. The brilliantly paced and remarkably tense Aliens is a close second,
but Alien3, I think,
easily stands alongside Scott and Cameron’s pieces as a different, yet equally
valid interpretation of the series. There are several set pieces to rival
Cameron’s, for example, the sequence where they try to flush out the creature
with fire is indicative of Fincher’s future visual bravura, and the premise is
a return to the claustrophobia that served Alien
so well.
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Up close and personal with ol' bitey tongue. |
The beginning of
Alien3 is
possibly the most shocking sequence of the whole film, because it literally
throws out almost everyone that we cared about from Aliens. The
shock of the opening scenes hangs like a dark cloud over the rest of the running time,
and neither Ripley nor the audience ever fully recover. That the film never
recovers from the beginning is one of the major problems people have with Alien3, but I think this
criticism confuses the audience reaction with the film itself. Jarring as the
opening sequence is, it appropriately sets the tone; gloomy, yes, but also
introspective and ruthlessly nihilistic; in profound contrast to Aliens’ extrovert, ultra machismo. Alien3 takes that heroic
macho-military fetishism and turns it on its head; setting events on an
all-male double-Y chromosome prison. In this sense, the film returns to the
spirit of Alien; a hostile invader
who not only threatens the lives of the characters, but more importantly,
attacks their masculinity. In Alien, this
is realised with the cross-species rape of John Hurt’s Kane. In an inspired
touch, in Alien3 it’s
Ripley herself as much as the familiar xenomorph that threatens the stable
masculinity of the colony on Fury 161, a theme that survived from the earliest
drafts of the script. In that regard, Alien3
beats Aliens hands down: the
insurmountable tension and efficient characterisation of Cameron’s entry
notwithstanding, there really are no ideas in Aliens that are as risky or challenging as those in Alien3. From the first minute
to the last, this feels like that the concluding chapter in the Alien saga (which is partly why Alien Resurrection feels more like a
spin-off than a direct sequel), and it’s to the film’s credit that it doesn’t
pull its punches with the relentless darkness it eschews.
Of course, many
of the old criticisms still stand: the admirable darkness of the film often
slips into gloominess, and despite the lengthy, sometimes interminable
conversations between characters, it’s difficult to keep track of who’s who.
Furthermore, none of them ever really express either the grubby, blue-collar
humanity of Alien, or the efficient,
pulpy, rough-and-tumble characterisation of Aliens.
For the most part, we care little about the prisoners as the xenomorph offs
them one by one. That said, Brian Glover’s performance as superintendent
Andrews is a stand-out exercise in being an insufferable prick, and both
Charles Dutton and Charles Dance portray their characters with nuance and
believability, amidst a background of interchangeable faces that serve merely
as alien fodder. Elsewhere, plot holes abound, and characters (I’m looking at
you, Golic) seem to disappear with nary a mention as to their whereabouts or well being.
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A rare moment of levity on set between star Weaver and Fincher. |
Alien3’s strengths lie in its
tone and mood, and in this respect, it’s arguably the best of the series. Cinematographer
Alex Thomson does an incredible job of creating a look that is both distinctive
and yet feels part of the same world as its forbears. Indeed, the technical
aspects of the film often work together beautifully: the set design is
magnificently baroque, and the score by Elliot Goldenthal is effective and visceral. Moreover, the
look of the creature, in a constant state of evolution, is animalistic, deadly
and different enough from previous incarnations to remain interesting, even if some
of the later composite model shots of the alien shots look oddly computer generated. Parts of the film
are strangely funny, but very effectively so; Andrews’ ball bouncing after the
alien gets him; the running joke of Aaron ’85’s nickname, even Ripley’s weary
line to the creature ‘you’ve been in my life so long, I can’t remember anything
else’ plays as a caustic, darkly comic, even perversely erotic interpretation
of her inescapable relationship with the xenomorph.
Alien3 is a deeply
flawed, but fascinating, entry into the series. Although almost
universally hated on release, it’s aged well, especially in comparison to the
silly Alien Resurrection and the
unspeakably atrocious Alien Vs. Predator franchise.
Moreover, compare it to equally hated missteps such as the aforementioned Star Wars and Godfather disasters and it's evident which movie time has been kinder to. Both of those films
have had at least a decade to mature, and by and large, they’ve both just
turned to so much cheap vinegar, becoming sourer with each passing year. Not so
with Alien3: evidence of
its troubled production pervades throughout, and it remains one of the
most notorious examples of a nightmarish shoot. But despite these problems,
Fincher’s entry gives us something fresh, original and different from the
previous episodes. Alien3’s
unrelenting darkness, beautifully crafted mood and subtle, dark humour
fits perfectly with the last true film of the series.
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